
Monday, January 11, 2016

"Hold onto ur solat because if you lose that, u lose everything" (Umar Ibn alKhattab, RA)


Sahabat :)
Apa khabar. Nothing much happen in those 11 days in new year actually. Just having a blast by taking final semester exam 4 out of 6, next will be 13th :) my sister able to place herself in boarding school. Just praise to Allah, Alhamdulillah

Today i want to write about one of the tuntutan Rukun Islam. Lets list down what is RUKUN ISLAM are. *Okay, seems childish but still list them!

1) Recite the SYAHADAH ; the declaration of faith that Allah is the God and Muhammad is the Allah's messenger

2) Perform prayer 5 times a day

3) Pay the Zakat

4) Fasting during Ramadhan's month

5) Perform Hajj for those who financially and economically able to perform it

Okay, aku nak tekankan pasal SOLAT. Aku pun hamba masih tak sempurna cuba untuk solat diawal waktu jugak.

Jangan persoalkan bila mana Allah lambat jawab doa kau. Hidup tak tenang, etc. Bila solat 5 waktu yang Allah tuntut pun kau tak buat. Hak Allah yakni solat. Selamba derk je tinggal hak Allah. Cuma takut hati makin gelap. Nauzubillah.

Even one of  my non muslim friends , always asked me whenever he/she heard azan, "It's time for u to pray right? Perform ur solat calmly. I will wait u outhere" Ouchh :) Hope for one fine day, he/she will be one of our Muslim's brother/sister. And seeing u wearing baju melayu/baju kurung be like :pppp

Ini lah masalah ummat yang ustaz dok tekankan dari sekolah lagi. Moga kita sentiasa menjadi hambanya yang menunaikan solat, yang mengamalkan amar makruf nahi mungkar.

Kenapa kena solat ?
- Itu hak Allah, kita sebagai muslim wajib patuh
- Solat akan menjaga kita dari melakukan perkara buruk insyaAllah
- If u go through each meaning in ur solat, u will find them beautiful
- Doa mudah diperkenankan
- Taught us to be particular, alert of time
- Produktif for whole day
- solat akan pandu  kita ke arah kejayaan, cuba dengar azan "Haiya a'la falah" = Mari menuju kejayaan
-keberkatan waktu
- sihat; each movement in solat actually leads to healthy lifestyle gituhh

Masjid alMaghfirah Kolej Matrikulasi Perak (KMPk)
*source FB Encik Nasir :)

"Hold onto ur solat because if you lose that, u lose everything" (Umar Ibn alKhattab, RA)

p/s : aku pun tak sempurna. Just nasihat sesama muslim. At least aku buat satu hak aku sebagai saudara hampa. Maaf salah silap. Nak tambah comment dibawah, aku salah pun betulkan ye. Dengan harapan semua berada di sirotul mustaqim = jalan yang benar